You can now apply online for TPPG Membership! Complete your membership application and use the Paypal button below to complete your membership application. TPPG also accepts membership applications and payment in the form of check or credit card at each monthly meeting.
Step 1: Fill out Membership Application Below
Complete Membership Application
Step 2: Email a copy of your Sales Tax Certificate (Pro Members Only)
Email a copy of your sales tax certificate to Accepted formats are JPG, PNG, or PDF. You can obtain a PDF of your sales tax certificate from the Florida Department of Revenue website.
Step 3: Sign up/Renew your TPPG Membership for 2025 using the Paypal Button below.
The Tallahassee Professional Photographers Guild offers several levels of membership: Professional, Associate, and Aspiring. All memberships are for one calendar year, ending in December. If you are interested in becoming a member, please complete the application (click the link above) and bring it to the next meeting. Anyone who would like to visit before joining simply pays the $25 visitor fee (this can be applied to your membership dues if you join that night).