Present: Cindy, Olyn, Linda, Gina, Robin, Gentry, Lewis, and AJ. Meeting called to order at 6:07 p.m.
Speakers: Robin and Linda gave a summary of the upcoming speakers for April, May, June, and July. Discussion about the photo safari and possible locations. Further discussion about members bringing their own dinner to the safari, and catering a nicer dinner for Salon if the funds are available. AJ will check to see if we can get the McDougal House for Salon. Robin to send an e-mail to reiterate that the April meeting is at Momo’s and on a new date.
April at Momo’s – Susan Torregrosa and Debra Lynn
May at Momo’s – Carrie Viohl
June is Salon – place to be determined – AJ to check with McDougal and Dorothy B. Oven.
July is the safari – Crystal and Matt Radlinski. AJ to check with McDougal and Dorothy B. Oven.
August through November speakers still need to be secured. Linda, Olyn, Robin and Cindy will talk with photographers at Florida School. AJ reminded the board that some speakers may be open to speaking at Lively as well for an extra merit.
Print of the Month Winners:
Man: Lewis Johnson
Woman: Kylene Gay
Child: Olyn Long
Group: Lori McCoy
Commercial: Mary Beth Tyson
Open: Carol Fulmer
Challenge: Olyn Long
Digital Art: Cindy Strickland
Social: Mary Beth Tyson
Environmental: Robin Adams
POTM: Carol Fulmer
Standings for Photographer of the Year:
Terri Smith: 5 points
Olyn Long: 4
Cindy Strickland: 3
Gina Waver: 3
Eileen Walsh: 3
Kylene Gay: 3
Robin Adams: 2
Lori McCoy: 2
Carol Fulmer: 2
Mary Beth Tyson: 2
Damon Dunlap: 1
Judy Dougherty: 1
Lewis Johnson: 1
Tony Ivory: 1
Past President Report: Lively will be awarding a scholarship to a student through FPP. AJ is having his students write a 500 word essay with an attached image. AJ may ask the board to read and critique the entries.
Membership: Lewis gave the membership report: We had three visitors in March, attendance for January was 26, February 25 and March was 23.
Survey Results: Members are still very, very happy, but a comment from a member prompted a discussion about how to make visitors feel more welcome. Board agreed that we would ask everyone to please stand and introduce themselves at the beginning of the meeting.
Treasurer’s Report : Ron wasn’t present, but Cindy reported that we currently have $5,6747.90 as of March 31st according to the bank statement produced to the Board. Cindy handed out the February and March statements to the board. Cindy reported that she and Ron will go to the bank and get Cindy as a signator in case Ron is not available at any time. Cindy asked that we have the President, Treasurer and the Vice-President as signors, the board agreed. Discussion about how to handle any NSF fees that may occur from checks from members. Board agreed that the expense of the NSF shouldn’t be covered by the Guild, the member will need to pay any expenses incurred. Olyn moved that any NSF fees charged by the bank be passed on to the member and the Guild collect, Gina seconded, all in favor and the motion was passed.
Proposed letters and Agreement: Board agreed proposed letter and Agreement was fine as presented. Robin and Linda will make sure that speakers are e-mailed the letter and agreement and will follow up accordingly.
Proxy voting: Olyn moved to accept the proposed new language and present the proposed language to the general membership, Linda seconded. All were in favor, none opposed, motion passed. Robin will include the proposed language in the April e-newsletter and ask members to consider the language and be prepared to vote at the April meeting.
Nametags: Gentry reported that the nametags are ready to go and approved. Gentry asked for clarification on how the students’ nametags should be printed. Olyn wanted clarification on how to handle potential misprints, board agreed that the Guild will reprint the nametag if a mistake is discovered. Discussion about the difference between a student membership and a professional membership. Cindy and AJ remembered that a person is allowed one year with a student membership and that historically they did not need to prove that they are or aren’t charging money. Board agreed that it should just have their name, no reference to “Lively”, “student” or a business name.
Salon: Cindy proposed that she will enter her paintings in her photographic case if the painting is made from her photograph. The points and merit would thus count toward POTY. Cindy argued that if she entered an EI case, it wouldn’t necessarily go for POTY if the photography wasn’t made by her. Linda argued that members should be allowed to enter two cases if they want. Further discussion about what’s fair and the need to keep things simple for Salon. Linda moved that each person will about allowed to enter one photographic case and one EI case, AJ seconded the motion. Discussion: Olyn asked if the EI case would come up for consideration for best in show and points awarded towards POTY. Board agreed that it would not be up for Best of Show, nor would they be given points toward POTY. Motion passed unanimously . Board agreed that the rules need to be very clearly spelled out for Salon.
Lewis asked about the categories. Discussion about how points for albums will be awarded. Linda proposed that each maker will be awarded full points for the album if it’s a multi-maker album. Lewis moved that we should adopt state rules and follow FPP procedures in that any points earned for multimaker albums shall be awarded to each maker and that the album will take a space in each maker’s case. Gina seconded the motion. All were in favor, none opposed.
Cindy, Linda, and Martin Gudz, the Salon Chair, will meet before the general meeting on the 29th. The discussion will include the rules, categories, the fees, and the general procedures and Cindy and Linda will present the results to the board for approval.
Lewis moved that in order to participate in Salon, membership paperwork and dues must be paid no later than the general meeting before the month of Salon, Gina seconded. “Full member” is defined as payment in full along with a completed application and verified. Vote was taken, all were in favor, none were opposed, the motion passed.
Linda moved that members need not be present at Salon to be awarded points. Linda further moved that the member’s case be submitted by the deadline and case fees paid, Robin seconded. Discussion about whether the maker must be present at Salon to be awarded points. Vote was taken, all were in favor, none were opposed, the motion passed.
E-mail lists: Cindy posed the question about whether anybody from the public or a member can have access to the e-mail list of all the members, past members, future members and guests (the secretary’s list). Discussion about whether the Guild can distribute the list and the board agreed that we won’t. Board agreed that any board member or member can stand up during a guild meeting and make announcements and invite members and guest to social functions, open houses, etc. The Board further agreed that if somebody asks for the list, then it can be brought before the board for a review and vote. Members have full access to the blog which contains the updated membership roster and they are free to distribute e-mails that way.
Maclay Gardens: Olyn passed along a proposed letter to Maclay Gardens form the Guild. Discussion about the letter and whether it should be sent to Maclay. Cindy asked Olyn to finalize the letter and present it to the board for a vote and for further consideration by the members.
Meeting adjourned at 8:09 p.m.