The April 2012 TPPG Board Meeting Minutes are now available
April 2012 TPPG Board Meeting Minutes
In Attendance: Robin, Cindy, Eileen, Kylene, Shannon and Olyn
Absent: Linda, AJ, Christie
Meeting was called to order at 6:05 pm on April 17, 2012
I. Reports
a. Treasurer’s Report
- No report was given – Christie was not in attendance
b. Membership Report
- Cindy reported the following:
- Currently have 33 members
- 1 new member joined in March
- Total of 19 members attended the March meeting
- Cindy will be re-contacting the list of potential members. Olyn said that we should also check out the “Model Mayhem” website for potential members.
- Cindy would like to mail out a current FPP magazine to potential members.
- Olyn made a motion to approve a $50.00 budget for mailing supplies and postage. Cindy seconded the motion. All in favor – Motion passed.
- Kylene stated that the name tags are done – they just need to be picked up. We will have them available for next week’s meeting.
- Kylene made a motion to move forward with doing the Membership Drive this month – No visitors’ fees even if you have already attended a meeting. Cindy seconded the motion/ The motion passed – 5 Yes/ 1 No (Olyn)
ACTION ITEM: Cindy to write up a blurb about the Membership Drive and give it to Eileen and K ylene so they can put it in the member emails and on Facebook and the blog.
c. Secretary Report
- Eileen has updated and filed the Florida 2012 Not-for-Profit Corporation Annual Report. There was a $61.25 fee for the filing.
- We will need to include this expense in the 2013 budget. It was not included in the budget for this year.
- Filings for FPP and PPA are due in June and again in December for FPP.
ACTION ITEM: Christie needs to follow up with Lee Howell to find out about the Guild’s Corporate Tax return.
d. Print Competition
- Shannon gave a brief update on AJ’s behalf:
- 1st Place (Tie) – Kylene and Terri
- 2nd Place (Tie) – AJ, Christie and Ryan
- 3rd Place (Tie) – Cindy, Eileen, Amanda Clark and Olyn
- 4th Place (Tie) – Linda and Gentry
- Having the extra space to do print competition worked well last month. Having AJ there early to collect prints and set up helped keep things running smooth and on time.
- Robin said that we received great feedback from last month’s speaker, Jeff Shaw. He like the group, the location and the food.
ACTION ITEM: Shannon to contact El Jalisco to confirm space and get an arrow sign made pointing to the entrance to the TPPG meeting.
II. Old Business
a. Location
- Shannon contacted the El Jalisco to confirm we have the space for next meeting.
- We need to find out if the A/C can be turned up. It gets warm in the room and this will be a problem especially from June – September.
- We also need a directional sign showing attendees where the meeting is being held
b. Battle of the U’s
- Event is not going to happened this year
- Gainesville is still interested and would like to schedule it for 2013. The event would act as Gainesville’s Salon.
III. New Business
a. Speakers
- April – Carrie Viohl is also confirmed. We will ask her do a program on lighting with a print critique. We will be putting a notice out to the membership to ask them to bring in prints.
ACTION ITEM: Robin will draft notice that Eileen and Kylene will send out to the membership about submitting images for Carrie to critique during her presentation.
- May – We still do not have a speaker for May.
– Cindy will contact Greg Daniels and Steve Metz to see if either is available for May.
– Linda or Cindy will contact Phil Scarbrook to see if he is available to speak in May, July or August.
– AJ to contact Bruce Wilson about speaking in May – He will be speaking in Jacksonville.
b. Art Show
- Kylene presented an event proposal for the gallery show at LeMoyne to the Board.
- The event would run from August 31st – September 7th, 2012
- The Board has questions concerning member interest and participation
ACTION ITEM: Kylene will create a member survey regarding the event and send it out to the Board to review before the April monthly meeting. She will also make an announcement regarding the show and survey at the meeting.
c. Salon
- Shannon moved that we have our annual Salon event at Golden Eagle. Cindy seconded the motion. Motion passed; 6 – Yes / 0 – No.
- Cindy made the motion to that the date and time for Salon should be June 28th, 2012 from 4p – 10p. Kylene seconded the motion. The Board discussed having dinner from 6p – 7p, followed by the print completion from 7p – 10p. Motion passed; 5 – Yes / 1 No – (Shannon)
- Eileen made a motion that the admission fee be $25.00 per person, including dinner. The fee applies to everyone whether they eat dinner or not. Shannon seconded the motion. Motion carried; 6 – Yes / 0 – No
- Olyn moved to have a Cash Bar for Salon. Kylene seconded the motion. Motion passed; 6 – Yes / 0 – No.
- Robin stated that Salon invitations need to go out to the membership 6 – 8 weeks prior to June 28th.
- The Board discussed the dinner menu options. Kylene made motion to have Pecan Chicken and Pecan Pie with Vanilla Ice Cream. Olyn seconded the motion. Motion passed; 6 – Yes / 0 – No
- Robin asked the Board what format we should use for Salon – All Digital or a Hybrid of prints and digital. There was discussion of pros and cons, including using Pro-Select vs. Lightroom. Olyn made the motion to use the digital format. Cindy seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously; 6- Yes / 0 – No.
- Cindy made the motion to have Case fees be $30.00 per case with one case per maker – not studio. Shannon seconded the motion. Motion passed; 6 – Yes / 0 – No
- The Board reviewed how to handle albums and EI submissions. Cindy made the motion that albums be allowed in the photographic case but they may not count for PoY points and an album will take a spot in the case as a “print”. Also a 2nd case for EI can be entered for an additional case fee of $30, but they will also not count for PoY. Shannon seconded the motion. Motion passed; 5 – Yes / 1- Abstain (Olyn).
- So far we have verbal confirmation for Sandra Pearce and Al Audleman as salon judges. We are still waiting for confirmation of Kevin Newsome as the 3rd judge. We still need to find a moderator.
- Cindy made a motion that if Kay Newsome attends Salon with her husband, the Guild should pay for her dinner in addition to the judges and moderator. Eileen seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously; 6- Yes/ 0 – No
- Olyn made a motion to have the Salon committee determine the date, time and location of the Salon Prep meeting. Shannon seconded the motion. 6 – Yes / 0 – No.
– AJ needs to identify Salon committee members.
– AJ and the Salon Committee will provide proposed rules, procedures and categories to the Board via email by May 8th, 2012. The Board will adopt and atify the proposed rules, procedures and categories by May, 11th, 2012.
d. Mentor Program
- Cindy discussed having a mentor program which would pair seasoned photographers who have been in the business for a long time with new photographers seeking guidance and education. She is still developing the program and will keep the Board updated.
- Eileen suggested doing a Mentor Round Table meeting where more experienced members would host a round table discussion on a topic of interest and interested members could sit in on the discussion.
e. Print Review and Critique Meeting
- Robin suggested having quarterly print review for guild members. This meeting would be in addition to our monthly meetings, but would focus on critique of member prints.
- Robin will work on developing the program and present it to the membership in April.
- The first meeting will be a Salon Prep – details to follow.
IV. Meeting Adjourned
- Kylene moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:42 p.m. Shannon seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned.