Present: Cindy Strickland, Linda Long, Kylene Gay, Gentry Billingsley, Gina Weaver, Lewis Johnson. Meeting called to order at 6pm

Last month’s minutes accepted by everyone present.

Cindy: wants to do a survey this month with more specific questions about meeting types; i.e. meet at restaurant and order own food? Have it catered at non-restaurant location?

Membership: see report from Lewis

Complaints from July program, speaker couldn’t be heard, not enough print critique.  Good response from attendees, good attendance in general.

Get visitor list from Lewis so Members at Large can contact them and encourage membership.   Make sure to be clear that visitors must JOIN if they want to attend future meetings.

Speakers:  hoping to have Britney Fullgraf come for September to speak on projection sales.  Still working on the rest of the year, not necessarily waiting on other guilds to set something up. Trying to get Bruce Evanson to come for a one-day program; trying to coincide with guild meeting but his schedule doesn’t seem likely.  Possibly October 10, 1-9pm.  Need to figure out a venue – venue will help determine how we handle dinner.  His one day price is $750 plus hotel and food (budget $1,000).  Need to set a price for attendees – possibly lower for guild members, $50, and $75 for non-members. (not to include food)  Do we want to include other guilds in on this price and have a 3-tiered pricing structure?  (Jax, Emerald Coast, etc.)  Half of the program indoors, break for dinner, go outside for different instructions, then more inside. 

Linda makes a motion for $50 for current guild members, $75 for affiliated guild members and/or FPP Members, $100 for non-guild members pricing structure, Gina seconded.  Students would need to be a member to get the $50 price or join in September to get that price.  AJ wants all students to get in under the $50 price since their budgets are limited.  Lewis countered- students in physics get a discount for the association fee but not for an “event” like this.  Because of our connection with Lively (via AJ) we’re discussing letting Lively students in at the $50 rate.  Print up a flyer for AJ to give his students as their “ticket” for the cheaper rate.  Linda amends her motion for the $50 to apply to current guild members and current Lively students.  Everyone was in favor of the motion.

Print of the Month from July:

Man-Cindy Strickland

Woman-Eileen Walsh

Child-Mary Beth Tyson

Group-Christie Meresse

Commercial-Cindy Strickland

Open-Shanna Beiro

Challenge-Olyn Long

Digital Art-Cindy Strickland

Social Function-Mary Beth Tyson

Environmental-no entries

Print of the Month-Cindy Strickland (Man)

Photographer of the Year Standings:









Linda and Olyn’s August Program-lots of doorprizes!  Use doorprize tickets like usual but collect them back if someone wins one of the Long’s program give-always


Delegate Meeting-(Cindy), talking about going digital for state competition and print display is up for discussion.  Dates announced for Convention and FL School next year.  Change of hotel for FL School and possibly a meal at the go-kart track.  Bringing back plaques to 1st place winners instead of ribbons.  Noted that there were no female judges or diversity in general.  AJ talked to John Woodward about judges-if they’re speaking they’re usually sponsored by a company and travel costs are picked up; if not speaking, just judging FPP won’t pay their travel expenses.  They were southeastern/national judges instead of just state wide judges – judging was much tougher because of this.  Lewis asks for something to be taken to the delegates meeting – can the judging be recorded for a podcast?  We agree that video might be bet

Membership-(Linda) from here until the rest of the year she’d like to reduce the annual fee from $85 to encourage people to join even with just a few months left.  Drop it to $50 and $25 for students.  Gina made a motion for here until the end of the year new members pay $50 and students $25.  Linda seconds, all in favor.

Bylaws – We’re going to start on by-laws next month, Robin and Cindy.  We will be welcome to join these meetings and things need to be decided by December.  We need to start working on Christmas party.  Doesn’t necessarily need to be on our typical 4th Thursday.  We all need to come to the next board meeting with proposals on locations for Christmas locations, food pricing, rental stuff, etc.

Meeting adjourned at 7:15 pm.