The Board met on August 11th at Long’s Photography’s studio. President, Martin Gudz called the meeting to order at 6:19pm. Present were: Martin Gudz, Aj Alberra, Linda Long, Olyn Long, Wayne Denmark, Ron Gardner and Frank Feliciano.
Website: Linda Long presented a draft WordPress blog, which will allow all the Board members to update and edit the information without special software or training. The Board discussed whether to redirect the old site to the new blog, or whether to place the blog at the old web address. Wayne motioned to accept the draft website and redirect the old site. Ron seconded. The motion passed unopposed.
Newsletter: The Board discussed the newsletter, its format and when it needs to be produced. Frank volunteered to create a new template for the newsletter so it may be distributed as a pdf each month. Parts of the newsletter will be separate posts on the website and the newsletter itself will also be posted.
Membership: The Guild currently has 33 active, paid members. It was announced at the last meeting and it will be stressed again to the general membership– ALL active members MUST have a valid tax license on file with the Guild to remain an active member.
The Board discussed the various membership categories and voted the following categories to go into effect Jan. 1, 2009: (Linda motioned, Frank seconded, approved unopposed)
Active- $85 ($5 discount for FPP members) Active members are working professionals (must have tax license on file) who can vote and hold office in TPPG.
Associate- $75 Someone who works for a studio already a member of TPPG. Associates may vote, but may not hold office.
Aspiring/Student- $65 ($10 discount with valid student ID) Someone who is NOT producing images for sale and who is pursuing becoming a professional. Any one person may only have one year in this category before they must become an Associate or Active. They may not vote or hold office and do not need a tax license until they become an Active member.
Family Member- $25 An immediate family member of an Active TPPG member who is not pursuing photography in a professional manner. They may not vote or hold office.
Programs: The August program will be at Lively Technical College in Building 4. The Guild is having Sonny’s BBQ cater the meeting. The meeting will begin at 6, prints must be submitted by 6:30 and the program will begin promptly at 7.
The September program will be Pepito Valdez and the October program will be Brian Idocks.
Treasury: The Guild currently has $694.80 in the account.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:10pm.