Present at the Board meeting: Cindy, Olyn, Lewis, Gentry, Gina, and AJ.
Meeting was called to order at 6:25 p.m. at Long’s Photography.
Treasurer’s Report: Ron wasn’t present, Treasurer’s Report to be given at February’s Board Meeting.
General Meetings: At the beginning of all guild meetings, Cindy will give a monthly report to all members. Olyn to get debit card for room bookings. AJ to contact this month’s speaker to finalize specifics. Motion made by Olyn to make the 2010 meeting place Beef O’Brady’s , Gina seconded the motion , motion passed unanimously. Olyn to call Beef’s and schedule the year’s meetings. We won’t have the room in May or November, we’ll need an alternate place for those two months.
Meeting Fees: AJ made a motion that the monthly meeting fee is to be $15 per person or pay $150 per year to be paid in January, Gina seconded the motion, motion passed unanimously. Olyn made a motion that meeting fees for guests is $35 per visit. Visitors are restricted to one visit per year, except for those showing proof of membership in another professional photography guild recognized by FPP and/or PPA, Gentry seconded the motion, motion passed unanimously.
Membership Dues: Olyn made a motion that yearly dues are $99 for Active members, and $49 for Student who are actively enrolled in a photography program at the discretion of the board, limited to one year, Gina seconded the motion. One vote in favor, five votes against. Olyn made a new motion that yearly dues to be $85 for Active members and Associate members, $55 for students (with same provisions as above for students), Lewis seconded the motion, motion passed unanimously.
Photographer of the Year: Gina made a motion that any member in good standing in TPPG, including students, are eligible to win Photographer of the Year, Lewis seconded the motion, motion passed unanimously.
Florida Scholarship 2009: AJ made a motion that a member must be present at the December Christmas party to win either Florida Scholarship for 2009, Olyn seconded the motion, motion passed unanimously. All the cards were counted and verified by the six board members present and the bag was sealed by AJ and Olyn in the presence of the board. Two winners will be drawn at the Jan meeting.
Florida Scholarship 2010: Olyn made a motion that a member must be present to win the Florida Scholarship in 2010, Gina seconded the motion, motion withdrawn by Olyn. Further discussion and a new motion was made by Olyn:
- You do not need to be present to win
- You must have attended not less than six meetings prior to the December meeting/holiday party.
- Each member gets one chance for every meeting attended and one for serving on the board.
- The board will draw five cards at the December meeting/holiday party. The first card is the winner, and successive cards pulled in rank order will be the runner ups.
- Winner is notified and must respond within 48 hours and accept/decline the scholarship.
Gentry seconded the motion, motion passed unanimously.
Print of the Month: Olyn made a motion that the results of salon and monthly print competition are calculated into the points decisions for Photographer of the Year, AJ seconded the motion, motion passed unanimously. Olyn made a motion that members not entering a print in the print competition will pay $5. Members who have entered prints will be eligible to win half the “pot” at the end of the evening. The remaining half of the pot will go into the Florida Scholarship Fund. Lewis seconded the motion, the motion was passed unanimously. Olyn made a motion to drop the Album category from the monthly print competition, Gina seconded the motion, motion passed unanimously. Olyn made a motion that a new “Challenge” category will be added to the print of the month competition. Each monthly Challenge will be determined by the Board at the Board Meetings, Gentry seconded the motion, motion was passed unanimously. January’s Challenge will be Reflections with Impact.
Olyn made a motion that the Print Chairperson be exempt from the $5 fee for not entering POM, Lewis seconded the motion, one in favor, five opposed. Motion failed.
Salon: Olyn made a motion that for 2010, points for Salon are awarded as follows:
Merited Image: 6 points for each image
Best in Show: 10 points
Second place in Best in Show: 5 points
Third place in Best in Show: 3 points
Linda will print 16×20 displays of Rules and Guidelines for print of the month. Budget for the print of the month ballots is $20.
Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.