The Board met on July 14th at Cindy Strickland’s studio. President, Martin Gudz called the meeting to order at 6:35pm. Present were: Cindy Strickland, Aj Alberra, Linda Long, Olyn Long, Wayne Denmark, Ron Gardner, Frank Feliciano and Martin Gudz (by phone).

Newsletter: Anthony is working on the next newsletter and will hopefully address the email bouncebacks.

Meeting Space: We need to have 25 people attend the next meeting so we can use the larger room at the Silver Slipper. The presenter will have backdrops, lights, etc. and need a good bit of space.

We seem to have been overcharged by the restaurant for the May meeting, Frank is contacting the management to get the details.

Programs: AJ is working on the August program– possibly a presentation on special effects in Photoshop. The meeting will be moved up one week to accomodate the schedules of those attending the FPP Convention. (motion by AJ, second by Anthony, carried without objection)

Membership: TPPG currently has 33 paid members, 18 of which are FPP members.

All members need to submit a copy of their tax certificate to Wayne Denmark to complete membership process.

Lynn Ivory has had some recent health problems and is moving out of her studio space. She is selling some of her studio items, so anyone interested can contact her at 385-7717. The Board voted to send flowers to Lynn. (Martin motion, Cindy second, carried without objection.)

Website: There is incorrect information on The Board is pursuing other avenues for websites including a blog. Linda volunteered to create a blog for the Board’s approval and comments at the August Board meeting.

The next board meeting will be held on August 11th at 6pm at Long’s Phoography’s studio. The meeting adjourned at 7:35pm.