The March TPPG Board Meeting Minutes are now available:
March 2012 TPPG Board Meeting Minutes
In Attendance: Robin, Christie, Linda, Eileen, Kylene
Absent: Cindy, Olyn, Shannon, AJ
Meeting was called to order at 6:13 pm on March 13, 2012
I. February Meeting Minutes
- Linda moved to approve the February minutes, Eileen seconded, motion passed.
II. Reports
- a. Treasurer’s Report
- Christie stated that we currently have an account balance of $8,083.65
- Received deposits of $1365.01 – $800.00 in dues
- Withdrawals were $186.56 – Speaker’s fee and meal
b. Membership Report
- Cindy was absent
- Currently have 32 members
- Christie stated we had 4 new members join last meeting
– Amanda Austin-Bellows
– Gentry Billingsley
– Nancy Connelly- Sunlight Photos
– Gina Weaver
- Cindy needs to provide Kylene a list of members that need name tags
- Cindy also needs to send the current list of emails to Eileen
c. Secretary Report
- Eileen stated that there was nothing to report
d. Print Competition
- AJ was absent, so no report was given.
e. Delegate’s Report
- Robin attended meeting in Ocala – We will include meeting notes from the meeting in the minutes
- Marty Grivjack is now the Delegate Chair. Carol Walker has been appointed to the FPP Board of Directors.
- FPP Section dues for 2012 are $3.00 per person and are due by June 1st.
- FPP members need to be current on their FPP dues by June 1st.
- Discussed PPA requirements
III. Old Business
a. Location
- Shannon contacted the El Jalisco after the meeting
– They are working on not having the band the same night as our meeting
– Will ask that the restaurant not seat customers next to our meeting room if possible.
– We can have the use of the adjacent room from 6p – 7p. We will need to move the tables for the print competition and then the El Jalisco staff will move them back.
- Robin mentioned that we need to start meeting on time and keep things moving. Speakers need to order and eat as early as possible. Eileen suggested sending the speakers a menu in advance and having them pre-order so their meals are available upon arrival.
- Overall feedback from the membership was positive.
b. Battle of the U’s
- Robin stated that there have been major miscommunications with this event and things are messed up.
- We will be putting this project on hold indefinitely.
c. Scholarships for 2011 winners
- Robin stated that clarification was needed as to the scholarships for the 2011 PoY, AoY and the Service Award recipient. The January 2011 meeting minutes are confusing as to specifics of the scholarships.
- Kylene made a motion to amend the January 2011 Board Meeting Minutes to reflect that the “2011 Service Award Recipient is to receive a 2012 FPP Florida School Scholarship of $585. Eileen seconded the motion. Motion passed with (5 )Yes/ (0) No
- Christie to send a check to FPP for Linda and Kylene’s Florida School scholarships in the amount of $1170 ( Check # 3114)
- Since this year’s FPP dues include the registration fee for the FPP convention, Christie made a motion to have TPPG give a $100 check to both Cindy (2011 AoY) and Olyn (2011 PoY) to cover case fees, hotel , etc. Kylene seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
- Christie cut checks for Cindy ( Check #3115) and Olyn (Check # 3116)
d. Survey
- Robin will look at April for doing a member survey
e. FPP and PPA
- Robin confirmed that FPP, PPA and Capital City Bank have processed the new address change for the Guild.
IV. New Business
- a. Speakers
- March – Jeff Shaw is confirmed. We have glowing reports on his Prosperity and Progress Program.
- April – Carrie Viohl is also confirmed. We will ask her do a program on lighting
- May – Still open.
– Jim Stokes from Mobile has recommended Aaron Adams for a presentation on senior portraits. We will work to book him for our May meeting.
- Other speaker ideas for the remainder of the year are:
– Krystal Radlinski (Kylene to contact)
– Greg Daniels ( Cindy was to contact)
– Bruce Wilson ( AJ was to contact)
– Marty Grivjack
– Christie said that Destin has had some good speakers and she will try to find out who the upcoming speakers are so we can try to tag on.
b. Scholarships for 2012
- The budget for scholarships was discussed
- 2013 Florida School Scholarship ($585 value) is already in this year’s budget.
- There was a discussion as to whether or not to offer a second Florida School scholarship, but the board is hesitant to do so at this time.
- Linda made a motion to offer (1) 2013 FPP Membership Dues scholarship of $235 for the PoY. Christie seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
- We will continue with the same process we had last year for drawing the Florida School scholarship winner.
– Drawing to be held at the Holiday party.
– In order to be eligible, members must have attended 8 meetings
– Each member will receive 1 chance for every meeting attended
– Board members will receive 1 additional chance.
c. Other
- Kylene has been working on creating an event that promotes the Guild and its members to the community. She is looking at the possibility of doing a showcase sometime after our Salon.
- She contacted the LeMoyne about doing a show and they seem interested. The week of August 31st is currently open.
- Kylene reviewed the details of how the event would run at the LeMoyne.
- We will need to find out from the general membership who would be interested in participating.
- We will continue to brainstorm and discuss ideas at the next meeting.
d. Facebook
- Robin mentioned that FB has a new larger masthead format. We will work to reformat our FB page with our TPPG logo.
e. Committees and Salon
- We will review at the next Board meeting when all Board members are present.
V. Meeting Adjourned
- Eileen moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:20pm. Linda seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned.