Present: Cindy, Olyn, Linda, Gina, Robin, Gentry, AJ, Kylene and Lewis. Meeting called to order at 6:05 p.m.
Membership Report: 17 members in attendance, $225 collected. Two members without prints, $10 collected; 3 visitors, $75 collected; 3 new members. Total membership is now 43.
Print of the Month: May’s challenge is Abstract in Detail. Discussion about the rest of the year’s categories. Linda moved that the board adopt her list as presented, discussion about using the previous months’ speaker’s program and whether the list should be published now or each month to the membership. The board agreed that the entire list should go out now to avoid the board having an advantage. AJ seconded the motion, the motion passed unanimously. The challenge categories are as follows:
July: Use of unconventional light source
August: unrecognizable self portrait
September: symmetry in landscape
October: storytelling through shadows
November: storytelling through human expression
April Print of the Month Winners:
Man: AJ
Woman: Olyn
Child: Gentry
Group: Kylene
Commercial: Robin
Open Olyn
Challenge: Kyle
Digital Art: Cindy
Social Function: Olyn
Environmental: Kylene
Overall: AJ (portrait of a man)
Linda reported that her and Cindy will be meeting this week to discuss the rules and ensuring that all the rules are very clear. Linda and Cindy will be presenting the details and rules at the May meeting. Discussion about inviting members to a meeting in early June to talk about the rules and go over how Salon is run. Linda agreed to set a date and send an e-mail to the members.
Olyn moved that we not draw a name at each meeting to win the kitty from the ‘no prints’ fund, but instead draw one name for the entire pot at the holiday party, Lewis seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Speaker: Carrie Viohl is in May, discussion about getting a wireless mike for speakers. Martin has the wireless mike, AJ to call him and ask him to bring it to the next meeting.
Linda talked to Matt Radlinski, he thought that Bradley’s would be best. Matt wants to do lots of different lighting scenarios and wants to download and process the images as part of his program. Bradley’s will charge us $250 for the meeting pace at a significant savings. Linda suggested that we offer members to pay an extra $10 to eat (cater with Sonny’s) or they can brown bag it. Linda to check for the cheapest BBQ in town and decide who to use. The e-mail to the members will ask for RSVP’s for the dinners so the Board can order accurately. Discussion about increasing the meeting fee to cover a bigger speaker, Jax had him, but there were more photographers. Board agreed that Bradley’s can accommodate more people, Linda suggested that we market to Emerald Coast and encourage guests to attend for $25 (the usual visitor fee).
Kylene suggested Southwood and offered to call them. The Board agreed that we don’t want to continue the discussion for Safari and that we lock in Bradley’s. Kylene will contact Southwood about using their house and catering for the holiday party.
Membership: Lewis is to get with Gentry and give her the information so that she can take over membership duties. AJ will be the host for the rest of the year and will hand out nametags to visitors, issue the drawing tickets to everybody and makes sure that new members see Gentry for forms, etc. Lewis agreed that he will send his reports to Gentry no later than Sunday night after the Thursday meetings.
Seargant of Arms: We don’t have Beef’s in November, Linda and Olyn suggested that we book Cabell’s; discussion about leaving the location as consistent as possible and stay at Momo’s for November. Linda suggested that we add locations to the blog next to the dates. Olyn to call Beef’s and ask them about how much we spend so we can guess about how much we would spend at Cabell’s.
Review of the survey, board agreed that we did well, all things considered. Olyn will talk to Momo’s about bringing the checks to us right after we order rather than us going up to the register. Or in the alternative, ask members to pay their checks immediately after they vote on prints and before the program starts.
Bylaws: The president presented that the motion on the Bylaws was read to the members at the April meeting and a unanimous vote was taken. The new language is hereby adopted. Cindy asked that a committee be formed to revise the Bylaws to reflect the way the Guild currently operates. Cindy also proposed that we make the year not be January to January, but change over in June or September, board to consider. Also discussed changing board meetings to right after the general meeting.
Salon: Linda reported that ball rooms at hotels in town are much too expensive. Mission San Loius is a minimum of $3,500 to rent. Linda talked to Golden Eagle, they will do a buffet dinner ($25) or a plated dinner ($20). Cindy presented the proposed budget (attached), discussion about how much the Guild is willing to go in the hole. Linda reiterated that our $85 membership fee must have some sort of return, she stressed that she would rather all members get something during the year rather than saving our money for one scholarship at the end of the year by a random draw. Gentry agreed that she, as a member, would rather get something like a free meal at salon than another scholarship. The board agreed that we need to really advertise it heavily and make it the most important event of the year. Discussion about the funds currently in the bank account and anticipated expenses for the remainder of the year. Olyn suggested that we charge just a little bit more, such as $20 or $25.
Linda moved that for Salon meeting fee remains at $15, visitors pay $25, food does not cost extra. Discussion about charging $25 for meeting fee, case fee of $25, or $20 meeting fee, case fee of $25. If we charge more then we’re almost discouraging attendance. Olyn moved that we table the vote until the financial report can be issued. Vote to go out by e-mail by Thursday at noon, all votes in from the Board by Friday at noon. Linda moved that we hold salon at Golden Eagle, Gentry seconded the motion, the motion passed unanimously.
E-mail to members needs to include that you must be a fully paid member by the May meeting in order to compete in Salon.
Officer’s Notebooks: Cindy asked each officer to start a notebook so that officers can pass it on to each new officer.
Maclay Gardens Letter: Olyn has tabled drafting the letter since the fees are back down. He will continue to work on it this summer.
Door Prizes: List was passed around, each Board Member to sign up to contact 4 to 5 companies. Kylene will coordinate door prizes at each meeting, she and Cindy will work on thank you notes to the vendors.
Meeting adjourned at 7:51 p.m.