Present: Cindy, Robin, Gina, Linda, Kylene, Lewis and Tammy Cotton were present. Meeting called to order at 6:02 p.m.
Treasurer Report : Lewis wasn’t available at the beginning of the meeting, Cindy gave the financial report, 18 members,1 new member, 5 visitors at the October meeting. Ending balance was $3,336.41 as of October 29, 2010. This balance is after Bruce’s check has cleared.
Membership report: Gentry wasn’t present, Cindy asked that Lewis and Gentry get together on the attendance for 2009 for the scholarship drawing. The numbers need to be tallied and sent to Cindy. Cindy advised the Board that someone asked to come to November’s meeting without joining. Cindy reminded the Board that people can visit once and then must join to attend future meetings, the Board agreed that we really can’t make exceptions this late in the year. Cindy reported that the membership list on the blog is up to date as of September.
Name Tags: Kylene reported that she ordered name tags but isn’t sure why a few people were missed. Kylene will contact Gentry and figure out who hasn’t received a name tag.
Print of the month:
Man – Robin Adams
Woman – Ashley Poole
Child – Jennifer Powell
Group – Robin Adams
Commercial – no entries
Open – Robin Adams
Challenge Category – Olyn Long
Digi Art – Lee Howell
Social Function – Kylene Gay
Environmental – Jennifer Powell
Overall Winner – Robin Adams
Photographer of the Year Standings:
Olyn – 44
Cindy – 30
Lee – 23
Kylene – 22
Gina – 17
November Program: Robin reported that Marc Edwards is confirmed and the meeting notice has gone to the members and the information was posted to the blog.
Survey Results: The survey is attached. Kylene gave the report on the November meeting: 13 people responded to the survey. Discussion about what the November survey should include. Linda asked that the following be added:
Locations they prefer and if they have suggestions for a location to please include it in the survey.
One day seminar – what topics will they be most interested in.
What is the member’s favorite program from this year
Awards for 2010: Discussion about how much was spent for the 2009 awards ($191.14). Robin moved that we budget $150 in 2010 for President’s Award and the Photographer of the Year, Linda seconded, the motion passed unanimously.
PPA Status: Tax filing for our 501(c)(6) status has been sent to the IRS; it will take about 2 months to process. Once the status letter comes from IRS, we can file for affiliate status with PPA again.
FPP Status: Cindy mailed in a check for our 2010 dues, she’s confirmed that we’re up to date for 2010.
Officers for 2011: The slate was passed unanimously at the October Meeting.
Locations for 2011: Tammy Cotton will check with Old Towne Café about their back room. Gina will ask One Stir Fry if we can use their new meeting space.
Holiday Party: Ideas were tossed around for a White Elephant exchange or a cookie exchange. Kylene will decide what we’ll do and let the Board know.
Meeting adjourned at 7:19 p.m.