Called to order. In attendance: Cindy Strickland, Linda and Olyn Long, Kylene Gay, Gentry Billingsley and Lewis Johnson (Kylene was acting Secretary in Robin Adams’ absence).
Must find a different location for November meeting, Beef’s isn’t available. Survey said members thought Rosie’s was a little small. Hopefully we can have the bigger room? Olyn will check to see if they’ll waive the $50 room fee. Most members ordered food so we bring a good business to them.
Linda motions that October and November meetings will be at Rosie’s. Lewis seconded, all agreed.
Lewis mentioned One Fresh Stir Fry on Timberlane has a breakout room that he’ll check into for next year.
Good feedback from the Bruce Evensen seminar on Oct 10.
Treasury report, Lewis: took in $880 for Bruce’s class, 2 students attended. 14 TPPG members and 1 non-affiliated member. That one member will still be allowed to visit a TPPG meeting.
September meeting, 2 new members. (21 in attendance total)
Print of the Month, Linda:
For September
Man – Christie Meresse
Woman – Olyn
Child – Olyn
Group – Amanda Clark
Commercial – Olyn
Open – Cindy
Challenge – Gina
Digital Art – Olyn
Social Function – Olyn
Environmental – Olyn
Overall – Cindy
Top 2 runners for Photog of Year, Olyn has 43 and Cindy has 30.
Christmas Party Options:
Ray’s Steel City Saloon
Available December 7, 8, 9, 13, 15, 16 (Wed, Thurs, Mon, Wed, Thurs)
Approx $23 a head they will have a huge spread of food for us.
Great salad fixings and appetizers (chicken fingers, homemade chips and salsa, artichoke dip, etc.) and 3-4 entrée choices. They make small portions so people can get some of everything if they want: i.e. beef stroganoff, chicken cordon bleu, pesto crusted salmon and eggplant parmesan (for the vegetarians).
There’s no room rental and no time limit. They will also have someone down there to tend bar (usually Ray himself and he does a good job). They just need a headcount by the Friday before. For the 2 events I’ve been to in the past, they’ve had a microphone – so that’s a plus if we feel like using it for awards, etc.
They’ve got a pool table and darts downstairs as well, so I think if we get everyone moving we can have a fun night!
Capital Lanes – bowling
Only available on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays for corporate parties
December 8 or 15?
2 hours of bowling and shoes, $14 per person
They are faxing over corporate menu, but said they can do dinner for approx $10 pp
Their “private room” is their bar which seats 25-30 for our awards
Skate World – skating
Only available on Fridays 4:30-6:30 and Saturdays 5:15-7:15
Only food available is pizza from Domino’s
We want it to be more social so we think that bowling would put people into groups and not allow mingling. Maybe plan a bowling mixer/membership drive for January?
Linda motions for Ray’s on Monday, December 13. Olyn seconded it and Linda amended that it be $25pp. No other discussion.
We need to set a budget for awards during the party – we went over budget last year.
We need to decide how to award the scholarship for Florida School. Needs to have attended at least 6 meetings during the year, you get your name in the “hat” for each meeting attended and board members gets an extra one.
Cindy wants to set up a Google Doc with all the bylaws and other documents that board members need access to from year to year.
Kylene needs to get info from Linda to contact Awards 4 You and order new nametags. We believe that nametags have been delivered (or at least ordered) through June (Salon). So Gentry will figure out who has joined since June or later and Kylene will order them and have them at October meeting next week.
Linda makes a motion for November and December we will offer 2011 guild memberships for those who want to renew for $75 instead of $85. All applications and money must be received by the December meeting/party. Kylene seconded the motion. All in favor.
Cindy: a microphone was bought for the Bruce Evensen class by AJ. Cindy thinks we should reimburse AJ and Olyn (SAArms) will hold onto it for future speakers. Linda makes a motion to keep it for future speakers, Kylene seconds the motion. Olyn not in favor, everyone else is.
Report from Delegates Meeting:
(attach report from Cindy)
Upcoming speakers
Cindy spoke to Karen about Marc Edwards coming in November. He’s concerned about payment so we’re trying to piggy back him with the other nearby guild. Part of his program would include us walking around (the mall if we’re at Rosie’s) and shooting “on the fly” with different lighting setups. We will encourage members NOT to bring their own camera.
Robin has gathered a business panel for October’s meeting. They’re all local people and have been told that we want their knowledge but not a “commercial” for their business. Since there’s no professional photographer speaking, we want to encourage a big group discussion for print critique.
Linda is working on a few people for January and February meeting. Possibly Damon Fecitt for a niche maternity seminar. Talking with several other people, possibly Terry Seabrook for a Photoshop intensive program (not a monthly meeting, more of a fundraiser on a different date)
Cindy; Brian Galeazzo would like to attend our meeting next week. (He works for Capital Color Imaging)
Linda; still working with PPA to become reaffiliated. Through IRS, we don’t HAVE to be 501C6 status but PPA still requires that we are. Waiting on Articles of Corporation, requested it in writing with a $10 check. Once we get that we mail it into the IRS with a 20 page application then wait for our status to change. Then file with PPA and have a 30 day waiting period. Hopefully they’ll approve it when they meet in February and then we can begin to hand out merits to our speakers again.
We need to file with the IRS Form 990 to keep our non-profit organization status.
We will vote on 2011 slate of board members and then bring it to the members at meeting next week. Linda proposes this slate:
Linda Long – President
Robin Adams – Vice President, Print of the Month
Olyn Long – Secretary
Lee Howell – Treasurer
AJ Abellera – Sergeant at Arms
Shannon Black – Membership
Lewis Johnson – Door Prizes
Kylene Gay – Member at Large
Tammi Cotton – Member at Large
Cindy Strickland– Past President
Olyn seconds this panel.
Discussion: Cindy noted that two of the three Executive Board members would be husband and wife, which may cause concern in the membership. She also referenced that in the past, Linda wanted to be careful that the membership not see a problem with her and Olyn serving on the same board. Linda now feels that with the current makeup of the group, this will not be a problem. Linda also expressed difficulty in finding someone willing to fill the role of Secretary. Cindy restated her concern.
Vote called. All in favor.
Cindy, Robin and Linda plan to start the year working on bylaws to present in January and vote in February.
Olyn will call and secure Rosie’s for meeting next week.
Lewis is requesting a stamp for the checks. Also proposed planning a “field trip” to Wakulla Springs boat tour. We agreed we want to plan a few fun outings for next year so we can feel more connected and social as a group.
Meeting adjourned at 7:53pm.