Herer are the TPPG Board Meeting Minutes for September
October 2012 TPPG Board Meeting Minutes
In Attendance: Robin, Christie, Cindy, Olyn, Eileen, Kylene
Absent: Linda, Shannon, AJ
Meeting was called to order at 6:08 pm on October 16th, 2012
• August Board Meeting Minutes were not approved by the Board. Eileen will send them out to the Board prior to next meeting.
I. Reports
a. Treasurer’s Report
• Christie reported the following:
o Current Balance – $5,718.00
o Debits –
-$56.98 – Payment to Kylene Gay for Art Show brochures
-$8.95 – Payment to Kylene Gay for Art Show materials (lamination)
-$3.14 – Dinner for Keely Deuschle ( meeting speaker)
o One outstanding check for speaker’s fee for Keely Deuschle in the ammount of $150.00
o Credit s – $5.00
No print fee – Gina Weaver
b. Membership Report
• Cindy did not bring the September report. She will email it to the Board.
c. Secretary’s Report
• Eileen presented the Board with meeting minutes from August and September.
o Board approved both sets of minutes.
d. Print Competition
• AJ was ot present to give report
• Robin will get them from AJ and send them out
II. Old Business
a. Art Show
• Kylene will send out the numbers and statistics from the LeMoyne show once she gets them from her contact.
b. Misuse of TPPG Logo
• Letters have not been sent to those area photographers who are using the TPPG logo on their websites without being current members.
• Robin said she would ask Shannon to proceed with drafting a letter for the Board to review prior to sending it out.
c. Speakers
• We currently have no speaker for this month’s meeting.
• Eileen suggested that we look internally and do an “experts Round table”
• It was decided that we would have 3 members do 20 -25 minute mini presentations:
o Cindy – Photoshop
o AJ – Lighting
o Olyn – Sales Skills
• Robin will ask Shannon to contact El Jalisco to see if we can have the entire room for our meeting. We are willing to rent the space for up to $100.00
• Still don’t have a speaker for November.
d. Holiday Party
• Eileen, Kylene and Christie reported out as to their findings and recommendations for the holiday party.
o Tuesday, December 4th, 2012
o The Space at Feather Oaks – $300.00
o Katie’s Catering – $20.00 pp
o Alcohol
Still need to determine how we will handle this.
o Dessert
Robin asked if we could do something more special than a sheet cake.
Olyn made a motion to budget $50.00 for a holiday dessert. Cindy seconded the motion. Motion passed –
Yes – 6/ No – 0
• The Board asked the committee to work out all the details and submit them to the board for discussion.
e. Bylaws
o Robin reviewed the most recent set of changes to the bylaws.
o The Board began discussions on the changes.
o Olyn made a motion to present the final draft of the Bylaws to the general membership at the November meeting. Cindy seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously
VI. Meeting Adjourned
• Christie moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:26 p.m. Olyn seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned.