Present: Cindy, Olyn, Robin, Kylene, Lewis, and AJ. Meeting called to order at 6:14 p.m. at Long’s Photography.
Treasurer Report : Lewis gave the financial report, $420 was collected at the August meeting. Cindy handed over all of the final reports to Lewis, including bank statements. Linda, Robin, and Cindy are all on the bank account and all have signed the signature cards. New debit cards will be issued and Cindy will be getting the log-in information for on-line banking. The current bank balance as of August 30 is $3,050.88.
Membership report: Gentry wasn’t present, Lewis reported that there were two new members in August: Tara Merchant and Jenna Riechart.
Secretary: Robin has filed the Articles for 2010 and we are current with Division of Corporations.
August results for the Print of the Month:
Man: Mary Beth
Woman: Cindy Strickland
Child: Kelly Maclanahan
Group: Cindy Strickland
Commercial: Cindy Strickland
Open: Jenna Reichart
Challenge: no winner
Digi Art: Cindy Strickland
Social Function: Kylene Gay
Environ: Mary Beth Tyson
Print of the Month: Cindy Strickland
Sergeant at Arms: Olyn reported that Beef’s was fine for August and is optimistic for Rosie’s for the September meeting. If the members are happy and if all goes well, future meetings may be at Rosie’s.
Photographer of the Year Standings (top 6):
Olyn: 37
Cindy: 28
Lee: 22
Kylene: 21
Gina: 16
AJ: 15
October Seminar: Cindy will get bio and program information from Bruce Evensen by the 21st. Discussion about location: Lively, restaurants, Cindy’s studio, or the Long’s studio. AJ reported that Lively is available without a fee, but Lively has stipulated that students currently enrolled in the Lively program must be able to attend for no charge. AJ estimated that there would be approximately 4 to 7 students in his program that may attend. Discussion about the money we would save by having the seminar at Lively, the board agreed that it’s a perfect venue. Fees charged are: $50 for guild and student members, $75 members of other guilds or FPP (not members of TPPG), $100 for non members and are not affiliated with any guild. AJ moved that we have Bruce’s seminar at Lively with the stipulation that current Lively students be allowed to attend for no charge; Lewis seconded the motion, motion passed unanimously. Robin moved that the attendees be invited to bring their own dinner or they can pay $10 to have dinner brought in, no RSVP required. AJ seconded the motion, discussion about how much to charge, Kylene and Olyn said that it should be $5 or $7, or including it in the charge for the seminar. Vote taken, motion failed. Olyn made a motion to include food in the admission fee, no RSVP required; Lewis seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. AJ will announce the seminar to his students and advise them that dinner will cost them some money. Amount to determined later, depending on the catering we use.
Survey Results: The survey is attached. Kylene gave the report on the August meeting: 95% said yes to whether they enjoyed the speakers. Comments: “Excellent presentation, lots of information, seriously awesome, fresh and good information, well prepared, good door prizes.”
Location: 65% like Beef’s, 17% liked Longhorn, 7% liked Momo’s, 48% liked Golden Eagle, 31% liked Bradley’s.
Dinner format: 80% said their favorite format is in a restaurant where they can order and pay the tab; 67% said the second favorite is the format at Bradley’s (catered dinner where RSVP or can bring their own); 12% third favorite is where there is a formal dinner with no choice and included in the entry fee.
Format of the meetings: 65% said they liked the current format of the meeting; 18% said they had other ideas for the format. Length of the Meetings: 32% say that the length of the meeting is fine; 30% said it should be shorter; 38% don’t mind the length if the topic is relevant and interesting.
Kylene will be putting together a monthly survey that we can use after every meeting, the board agreed that the survey must go out that night or first thing in the morning. The board also agreed that we would do another comprehensive survey after the November meeting to use in 2011.
Speaker Contract: Robin to amend the form contract so that speakers are aware of our timeline. Discussion about whether to enforce receipt of the contract from the speakers; Cindy reiterated that the speakers need to know what’s expected of them and thus the signed contract should be returned. Robin and Linda to discuss further.
Newsletter: Board agreed that meetings are running a bit long with all the announcements, Robin will draft a brief hand-out to be given to members at the beginning of the meeting. Discussion about having members stand and introduce themselves at the beginning of each meeting.
Door Prizes: Kylene will not be at the September meeting, Robin will handle door prizes.
Nametags: Kylene will e-mail Gina and ask her to please order name tags for the new members.
Bylaws: Cindy and Robin will work on drafting new Bylaws. Cindy to e-mail Robin TAPPA’s and Jacksonville’s Bylaws to having something to start with.
PPA: Robin asked AJ to please handle the issue with PPA to get the Guild current with PPA.
FPP: Cindy will work with FPP to handle 2009 and 2010 dues and reporting.
Christmas party: Locations and caterers discussed: Gardner’s Cottage from 3 to 9 p.m. for $315, plus members would have pay entry to Maclay Gardens and they are available December 16th and the 19th. Chez Pierre is another option, Cindy is checking with them. The Space at Feather Oaks is $700 rental Fee. Kylene reported the Plantation House at Southwood for 4 hours is $500. If we use their catering we can have 20% off. All are expensive options and the Board decided not to pursue them. Cindy asked for more fun ideas than sitting in a restaurant. Robin proposed that a committee be formed to brainstorm and plan the party;Kylene agreed to be the chairperson of the committee and will ask someone to help her.
Meeting adjourned at 8:02 p.m.