Here are the TPPG Board Meeting Minutes for September:
September 2012 TPPG Board Meeting Minutes
In Attendance: Eileen, Kylene, Robin, AJ, Christie, Cindy, Shannon, Olyn
Meeting was called to order at 6:14 pm on September 18th, 2012
- August Board Meeting Minutes were not approved by the Board. Eileen will send them out to the Board prior to next meeting.
I. Reports
a. Treasurer’s Report
- Christie reported the current balance is $5,775.15
- Deposit
- $174.50 – ( AJ’s Salon Fee, FPP reimbursement)
- Debits
- $370.00
- 2 Speakers’ meals
- $150.00 Speaker’s Fee
- $370.00
- Christie reported that the IRS Tax filing has been done.
b. Membership Report
- Cindy did not bring the August report. She will email it to the Board.
- One new member last month
- Cindy will send Eileen an updated membership roster with emails.
c. Secretary’s Report
- Eileen is very late in sending out last month’s Board meeting minutes and will send them to the Board via email for approval.
d. Print Competition
- AJ reported on the current ranking for Photographer of the Year:
- AJ – 34 pts.
- Linda – 20 pts.
- Cindy – 19 pts
- Shannon will call El Jalisco to remind them we will not be there in June due to Salon
II. Old Business
- Art Show
- Kylene reported that the LeMoyne Art Show was a great success. LeMoyne was very happy with us.
- We came in under budget for the event.
- $240.00 in expenses ( $300.00 budget)
- $50.95 for printing costs
- 16 Guild members submitted images
- 82 visitors on opening night
- Kylene is still awaiting the final total on the amount raised from the silent auction.
III. New Business
- New Monthly Meeting Location
- Robin stated her concern about how noisy El Jalisco was during last month’s Guild meeting. It was very distracting and disruptive to the presenter (Steve Metz)
- Shannon will contact El Jalisco to discuss noise concerns.
- The Board agreed that if the noise is an issue for our next meeting we will look at moving.
- Eileen and AJ will bring a mic and speaker for Keely to use for her presentation.
- Speakers
- September – Keely Deuschle is confirmed for our next meeting. Robin has already sent out the meeting announcement.
- October – Open
- Cindy will contact Sandra Pearce to see if she can speak at October’s meeting
- AJ to reach out to Darryl Jarmon about being a speaker in October or November.
- Enrique Munoz is iffy for this year.
c. Holiday Party
- Eileen reported that the committee met and came up with a list of venues and a selection of dates.
- The Space at Feather oaks
- Ray’s Steel City
- Golden Eagle
- Bucco de Beppo
- The Front Porch
- Eileen asked if the Board had a budget in mind.
- Robin asked the committee to come back with a recommendation with the costs and the Board would review it at the next meeting.
- If we use a location that does not have alcohol service, we will need to provide a bartender/server and alcohol.
- Robin suggested we have a slideshow with all POM winners and category winners.
d. Unauthorized Use of TPPG logo
- It was recently discovered that a couple of local area photographers, who are no longer members of the Guild are using the TPPG name/logo on their websites.
- Robin stated that this was a misrepresentation and improper use.
- Shannon will write a cease and desist letter to these photographers to ask them to remove the logos.
e. Bylaws
- Robin and the Bylaws Committee began reviewing the changes that they have recommended to the bylaws made so far.
- The Board began discussions on the changes.
- It was decided that the Bylaws Committee will meet again to finish updating the bylaws then present them to the Board at the next meeting.
e. General Membership Business Meeting
- We will hold our general membership Business meeting in November
- Bylaws and 2013 Board will be voted on at the meeting
- A special meeting notice will be sent out to all members.
VI. Meeting Adjourned
- Shannon moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:39 p.m. Cindy seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned.