Salon Date: June 24, 2010 at 6 p.m. Doors will open at 6 p.m., all cases must be entered by 6:30 p.m. – no exceptions! Cases are a maximum of six prints; the case fee is $25 per case. A ‘case’ can be a cardboard box, nothing fancy needed. Please see the Salon Rules, entry forms, and labels below.
Location: Golden Eagle Country Club. Dinner will be provided with your meeting fee of $20, the visitor fee will remain at $25. Please RSVP with how many you will have for dinner by Monday, June 21st.
To Enter or not to Enter: If you aren’t ready to enter prints just yet, that’s ok, please plan to attend anyway. No meeting this year is as educational as Salon – and watching the judging will advance your photography by leaps and bounds.
Judges: We are very proud to announce our judges for Salon! They are Al Audleman, Sandra Pierce, and Brenda Estes. We couldn’t ask for a better panel.
Reminder: You must be a paid member of TPPG to compete in Salon.
Please contact Linda Long if you have any questions. We hope to see you there!