Mark your calendars for the next TPPG Social Night!
You don’t need to be a member to come to our socials, so please come and meet everyone!
Monday, April 18
6pm til ?
Meet at Chubo’s Hot Dog Cart:
3700 N. Monroe St. just across from the Post Office
Meet and hang out for the best BBQ, hotdogs and french fries in town until 7pm!
Then we’re heading to a nearby park for a Headshot Swap! If you’re in need of an updated headshot for your website, come prepared to be photographed by your fellow guild members! And if you’d like to participate in the shooting, bring your gear to get some good shots of each other. Ideally we’ll all be shooting, “modeling” or even both! It will be a great opportunity to get some practice and maybe even get some tips from your colleagues too. You do NOT have to photograph, be photographed or stay the entire time– just come spend some social time with your friends!
If we’re still going strong we can take the party to Salty Dawgs, another fun local “dive” where we can shoot some darts and get another snack or drink!