Our next TPPG monthly meeting and print competition is right around the corner and we have an awesome program lined up. TPPG is delighted to present Sam Gardner and Patricia Mathis as our guest speakers for February. Sam will begin with a discussion on his techniques for sculpting life with light and Patricia will highlight her tips for post processing with Photoshop and NIK.

LOCATION:  Our February meeting will be held at El Jalisco (formerly Nino’s) on Apalachee Parkway, 6497 Apalachee Pkwy, Tallahassee, FL  32311.  Click HERE to link to El Jalisco on Google Maps.

El Jalisco will be offering a fabulous selection of authentic Mexican foods and a variety of beverage choices as well.

MEMBERSHIP DUES / MONTHLY FEES:   We are excited to announce a new dues structure this year! The membership fee for 2012 is a onetime fee of $149 for Active and Associate members and $99 for Students.  (Fees for Salon and the annual holiday party will be separate.) We have eliminated the $15 meeting fees!  This is a potential savings of $86.00 per year for Active/Associate members.

SALES TAX CERTIFICATES REQUIRED:  One requirement of joining TPPG is to provide a copy of your Sales Tax Certificate.  If you have not already done so, please provide a copy of your current Sales Tax Certificate to Cindy Strickland.

MONTHLY PRINT COMPETITION:  There are some new changes for Print of the Month for 2012.  There will be 8 Categories for competition. Several categories from last year have been eliminated. Members will be able to enter one print in up to 4 of the 8 competition categories.  .  Members who do not enter prints into the monthly print competition will be charged a $5 fee at the door.

This year’s Print Competition Chair is AJ Abellera.  Please feel free to contact him with any questions or concerns.

EVENT INVITATIONS NOW ON FACEBOOK! –  Don’t forget to RSVP to the February TPPG meeting invitation on Facebook!  This is a great way to remind yourself about the meeting and a fun way to see who else will be attending the meeting.


Sam Gardner will begin with a program on building art into your photographs and how to work with clients for posing them in the most flattering and fun styles. This is an illustrated talk with some brief demonstration time. The program is called Vitasculptore Illuminare… (Sculpting life with light), and takes a look at how to incorporate techniques that painters and sculptors have used for centuries. This program will change the way you look at lighting and photography!

Patricia Mathis will share some of her post-production techniques using Photoshop and NIK software to bring the images to final stages. Her techniques are based upon the fact that she and Sam have captured great files that are exposed well to start with so she can enhance rather than repair images. This eye on the final product throughout your sessions can greatly improve the number of “good ones” and eliminate a huge amount of editing time for you.  The result is a more efficient session, which the clients appreciate, and a more efficient editing and finalizing session, which YOU should appreciate…You will make more money in less time, have more fun, create more artistic images to appeal to your client’s hearts, and touch their lives in ways you didn’t think were possible.


Sam Gardner’s interest for capturing quality images is only exceeded by his passion for sharing with others. He has been teaching photography workshops since 1980, while owning and operating a photography business in Northwest Washington since 1983. His photographs have garnered numerous awards nationally and in his home state of Washington. In ten years of entering PPA’s national print competition, his images have often been in the Loan or Showcase collections and used by PPA for promotional materials. His enthusiasm and teaching skills are sure to carry you forward in your pursuit of better image making. He currently serves as a PPA Approved International Juror as well as a PPA Councilor and an Affiliate School Director. See www.SamGardnerPhotography.com

Patricia Mathis has always had a passion for the arts. At the age of nine, she started oil painting and pottery and later perfected her skills in pencil and charcoal mediums. Patricia earned her Masters of Photography from PPA in a short three year period. She has been awarded PPA Photographer of the Year for the past four years and was awarded the Canon Par Excellence award in 2009 and 2010 at the Western States Regional Competition. Patricia’s passion for art and love for people are the forces that enable her to create images that impact the mind and touch the heart. See http://reflectionsbypatricia.com/