LOCATION: January’s meeting will be in our brand new location, Beef O’Brady’s on Thomasville Road at 6 p.m This is the shopping center directly across from the Miracle 5 theater near the intersection of Betton and Thomasville Road. We have a private meeting room in the back of the restaurant – walk past the restrooms and down a short hallway, you’ll see double doors to our room. Mapquest: http://www.mapquest.com/mapsname=Beef’o’brady’s&city=Tallahassee&state=FL&address=1830+Thomasville+Rd&zipcode=32303&country=US&latitude=30.464059&longitude=-84.270811&geocode=ADDRESS&id=4098615
The Board has made many new exciting changes for this year, please plan on coming and hearing our new President, Cindy Strickland, talk about everything the Board has planned! A small taste of what’s to come . . . .
PRINT COMPETITION: Be sure to bring at least one print for the print competition. Trust me, you’ll want to submit, because if you don’t bring at least one image, the ‘penalty’ is $5! But. . . . for those that entered a print, you will have a chance to win half the pot! If you have any questions whatsoever, Linda Long is the Print Competition Chair, please feel free to contact her before or during the meeting. She will be happy to answer any questions you have – her e-mail is linda@longsphotography.com
Also for 2010, the album category has been replaced by a new category called the Monthly Challenge. Each Monthly Challenge will be different. January’s Challenge is Reflections with an emphasis on one of the 12 rules of competition “Impact”. Winning monthly print competition and local salon is what determines who earns Photographer of the Year, so PARTICIPATE!
MEETING FEES: Meeting fees are now just $15! You can order dinner from the menu and pay your own check. Please try to have your prints in and be seated for the wait staff by 6:15.
If you’re new or don’t know too many people yet, please introduce yourself to Gentry or Gina (they’ll have name tags on). They are this year’s Members at Large and will be at every meeting helping you get acquainted and comfortable.
MEMBERSHIP DUES: Membership dues are due in January! A separate e-mail will follow with the Application for Membership. Dues for 2010 are $85 for Active and Associate Members, $55 for Students, “Aspiring” Category has been removed. If you would like to pay for the entire year’s worth of meetings plus your membership dues, you can do that at January’s meeting only, and the amount is just $150, plus the annual dues. This gives you a meeting for free!
FLORIDA SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP: We will be drawing the 2009 Florida School Scholarship awards at the January meeting. If you were present at the Christmas party, then your name is in the hat. You do not need to be present at this month’s meeting to win, but watch your e-mails for the winners’ names.
This month’s speaker is Randy Van Duinen, who’s at the cutting edge of HDR. Randy is an articulate speaker and a master in his field. If you’re ready to learn about the next level of photography, you’ll really enjoy this month’s speaker.