What were those Judges thinking?

Betty Huth, M. Photog. Cr., CPP, API, FSA
and Edward Booth, M. Photog. Cr., CPP, API, FSA

May 30th, 6pm at Bella Bella on Monroe Street
RSVP on Facebook


Betty Huth & Edward Booth

Betty Huth & Edward Booth

In this fast paced program, Ed and Betty discuss the twelve elements plus one that are used by judges when scoring your prints. They will discuss the scoring ranges and how they are used to determine the score category in which to place a print. They use examples of good and bad prints to illustrate their points. You will have the opportunity to score prints and give critiques on the images. This process will help make you a better photographer and better judge of what judges are looking for in merit prints.

Edward Booth, M.Photog.Cr, CPP, API, FSA Ed has been a professional photographer for 50 years earning 100% of his income from the profession. He has been active in photographic associations in California and Florida and nationally. He and Betty have taught internationally .

Betty Huth, M.Photog. Cr.,CPP, API, FSA Betty has been working as a professional photographer for thirty years, She also has been involved in associations in Florida, California, and Nationally. With Ed, she has taught at many of the affiliate schools and been a mentor to photographers around the country. Betty became a PPA Juror in 1990.

This is the perfect meeting to attend to help you prepare for our upcoming Salon! Don’t forget to bring up to 4 prints for our monthly print competition!

And finally, please remember we will be voting on our Bylaws at the next meeting. Lots to do and talk about this month!